As always, to authenticate a call Basic Authentication header should be set. See this for details. As soon as BEAR API is REST one (read here for details), to create a marker we have to use POST request to markers.
To create a marker you have to know ID of the campaign this marker will be added to. See how to create a campaign here. To get list of campaigns, you can call GET
There are 2 ways to provide actual image file to be used as marker - over a URL or by selecting a file from the local drive.
Create a marker from an URL
Code (working example here):
var user = 'user';
var password = 'test';
var auth = "Basic " + btoa(user + ":" + password);
var urlApi = '';
// Users allowed to add markers to their own campaigns or to campaigns of their company
var campaignId = 649; // user's campaign (Your First Campaign)
// Note: you can get list of your campaings by calling GET
var params = {
processData: true,
type: 'POST',
url: urlApi,
headers: {"Authorization": auth},
data: JSON.stringify(params),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
var marker = data[0];
$('body').html('#' + ' ' + marker.page_num);
error: function(data){
$('body').html( 'Marker has been created!' );
$('body').html( data.responseJSON.error + ' ' + data.responseJSON.description );
Send markers as a file
Live example here
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