Uploader tool


We created this tool for users that need to work with CSV file.

Uploader works over CSV file with command to be done with the entity. Entity is API resource, like assets, markers, campaigns, users, etc. It's impossible to manipulate with different entities in one CSV file. All the calls to uploader look like this: POST https://api.bear2b.com/tools/uploader.ex.php

Parameters (to be send over POST request with multipart/form-data content type):

entity Which entity will be changed by the Uploader. E.g. users, assets, markers, campaigns, etc.
csvfile CSV file to be processed or ZIP archive with the following: CSV file, pages.pdf, res/ folder
bgrs 1-asynchronous processing; 0-synchronous
encoding CSV file encoding. E.g. UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, etc.
show_progress Display progress of CSV processing (1 - display progress; 0 - doesnユt)
campaign_id If pages.pdf provided, markers will be created in this campaign, otherwise - in new one
get_content This parameter works only if show_progress==1. If =1 Return content of the processed CSV in the response body, otherwise result uploaded to the server for 1 month and link to this file returned in the response content

Each CSV file have 3 system fields (res, op, id). All other field are specific to each type of entity. Refer to appropriate API callユs doc for more details.

CSV records with empty op field are IGNORED.

System fields:

field description
res this field will receive result of each row processing. Expected result following an upload is OK
op cユ - create; uユ - update; dユ - delete. Note that id has to be provided for u & d only. For cユ it should be empty
id entity ID that will be changed in case of update (op == uユ) or deletion (op == dユ)

Example of CSV file:

;c;;Campagne test API - P29;Test API Bear;1
;c;;Campagne test API - P23;(video couverture);1
;c;;Test smartphone;;1

Separator symbol in CSV file can be comma (,) or semicolon (;)

The Uploader gets provided CSV file and process it line by line. Each line becomes API call under current user credentials with parameter names from the column name and values from the current line. Result of the call placed to "res" cell. You can see this on the scheme below: uploader

Synchronous processing

When all the rows of the CSV file processed, uploader returns csv file with processing results (with the same name as original file + "res.csv" at the end). Each processed like has "OK" in the "res" column in case of success or error description in case of errors. Uploader also returns ids of newly created objects. It let us use CSV file from the response for further modifications.

Asynchronous processing

If bgrs parameter set to 1, Uploader goes to background and response with "bgrsID - background request ID" (e.g. a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4). You can now check status of the request by calling /bgrs/

Response can look like this (all possible statuses are here):

  "id": "1",
  "rid": "a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4",
  "user_id": "1",
  "name": "uploader",
  "created_dt": "2017-03-28 13:44:29",
  "status_id": "2",
  "status_name": "in progress",
  "progress": "10.00",
  "finished_dt": "",
  "result": ""

To get details (progress of the request processing): https://apidev.bear2b.com/bgrs/a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4/details

  "id": "1",
  "rid": "a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4",
  "dt": "2017-03-28 13:44:29",
  "details": "Start processing..."
  "id": "2",
  "rid": "a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4",
  "dt": "2017-03-28 13:44:29",
  "details": "Extracting zip file..."
  "id": "3",
  "rid": "a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4",
  "dt": "2017-03-28 13:44:29",
  "details": "Extracting zip file completed."
  "id": "20",
  "rid": "a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4",
  "dt": "2017-03-28 13:44:38",
  "details": "Line: 4 done. Result: 200. OK"
  "id": "21",
  "rid": "a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4",
  "dt": "2017-03-28 13:44:38",
  "details": "done"

When request finished it looks like this: https://apidev.bear2b.com/bgrs/a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4

  "id": "1",
  "rid": "a8fa2aa2e79e196eeeb2cd65b53abca4",
  "user_id": "1",
  "name": "uploader",
  "created_dt": "2017-03-28 13:44:29",
  "status_id": "4",
  "status_name": "finished",
  "progress": "100.00",
  "finished_dt": "2017-03-28 13:44:38",
  "result": "media/keep1d.add-on.zip.result.csv"

ZIP file processing

Uploader can work with archive contains csv file, pdf file (optional) and /res folder (optional). In case if pdf file provided, new markers will be created from the pages of this pdf file. Names of the newly created markers will are "page 001", "page 002", etc.

In case of markers created from pdf file and for entity=assets, CSV file can point to marker ids as page number of pdf file. E.g. 1,2,3,5,etc. Uploader will match pdf page with real marker ID automatically.

Res folder

Csv file can have links to the resources located in res folder like here:

uploader res folder

Links inside CSV can look like res/aaa/1234.png In this case this folder will be uploaded to ARGO file storage as is and res/* links in newly created assets will have links to files inside this folder in ARGO file storage.

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