How to manage your mobile application on Google and Apple's stores


Once your Augmented Reality application is available from your enterprise account on Google and Apple stores, you will be responsible for its maintenance on those stores.

Of course, ARGO will be present at any time in order to help you in this mission, however, certain security measures will have to be taken into account on your side to protect yourself from potential obstacles that may appear over time.


  • Update your application information when necessary

You have control over your application, so if you wish to modify its presentation on the stores (description, keywords, availability, ...) you can do it at any time. 




  • Check your application status regularly

Your application status can change at any time, through many possible factors. It is important to check its status regularly.



It is very important to keep the email as administrator on your account, if you want to allow ARGO to be able to continue to intervene in any way in your application.



  • Update your application information when necessary

Same here as the Google Play Store. You have control over your application, so if you wish to modify its presentation on the stores (description, keywords, availability, ...) you can do it at any time. 




  • Check your application status regularly

Your application status can change at any time, through many possible factors. It is important to check its status regularly.




  • Check your account status regularly

Apple regularly requests some updates validation from your account, otherwise, certain actions will become impossible (update your apps, update your apps info, ...).



  • Set up the your subscription payment with automatic renewal

It is highly recommended to set up your subscription payment via automatic renewal. Because if your subscription expires, then all the applications contained in your account will be instantly removed from the Apple Store. 



  • Check that the address is invited as administrator (with access to certificates)

Just like on the Google Play Store, it is very important to keep the email as administrator on your account, if you want to allow ARGO to be able to continue to intervene in any way in your application.



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