Increase the visibility of your campaigns: tips and recommendations


1 - Create videos of your supports

This will ensure original communication and give visibility to your printed material online. Not everyone has the medium at hand, this will make your communication more attractive and clearer in its use.

Good communication guarantees the visibility and success of your Augmented Reality campaign and our solution offers you a unique opportunity to communicate.

Promote your Augmented Reality campaigns on social networks with demonstrative videos and increase the visibility of your print campaigns through digital.

Short videos (10/15 sec) illustrating your use cases are very effective on networks such as Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook. Not everyone has your support at hand, making a video allows you to present it to the greatest number of people and offers a unique opportunity to speak on your social networks. This can incite new audiences to get your support, or at least visualize the experience offered on it, without having it at hand. The number of "views" of your posts or videos is then added to the consolidated statistical returns of your Augmented Reality campaign.


2 - Create posts on social networks

Newsletters are still very much used and effective in the case of communications addressed to its customers. What better then to highlight your increased media than to advertise and promote them via this traditional communication relay?

Present your campaign, a video capture of it, an article, offer your visuals for downloading to ensure that a maximum number of your customers can have access to your achievements.


3 - Send a newsletter to your customers





4 - Change your electronic signature

The personalization of the email signature is an increasingly popular trend to communicate on its topicality. Your sales representatives and other people in contact with the outside world exchange a lot of emails as part of their daily activities. A great opportunity to communicate about your current campaign on this occasion.

Several software programs allow you to personalize your electronic signature, some of them are free, others are not, for example: Boost My Mail


5 - Proof by example

Always take a copy of your latest campaign or your most beautiful achievements in augmented reality with you to your customer meetings. Indeed, nothing better to break the ice in your canvassing than to present your achievements.

You can also make "POC" pre-appointments on your customers' media in order to be more impactful in your proposals. Nothing is easier than taking a photo of your customer's printed material to enhance it before your appointment and present it live once on site: surprise effect guaranteed!


6 - Put your campaign "on the featured"

The "Featured" section of your mobile application lists selected campaigns, easily accessible without the need for printed material at hand.

  • If you have your mobile application white-labeled, select a campaign in your ARGO Campaign Manager, open your campaign settings > advanced settings and select "display campaign in mobile application".


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