Optimizing GIF Images and Animations


The animated GIFs are very useful during the realization of your increases to reinforce the dynamic and immersive side, however, their weight can increase very quickly, and their optimization is therefore highly recommended.

Not all mobile screens offer the same resolution, however there are standards (1800x1920 px).


We advise you to :
Do not exceed 500x500px
Do not exceed 72 dpi
Do not exceed 50 frames
Do not exceed 500Kb per GIF.

If your marker is a square (1000x1000px) and you want to display a GIF covering the whole area, we advise you to import a 500x500px GIF and then enlarge it in the platform so that it covers all the marker (rather than importing a 1000x1000px GIF directly).

Image limit :
If your gif exceeds 20 images. You will need to enable the "Delete" or "Layout" option in Photoshop.

It is up to you to adjust the export options to optimize the rendering while maintaining the quality of the GIF.


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