3D content must be designed or adapted for real-time rendering on smartphones. The required objects are said to be "game ready" or "low poly" and should not contain more than 50,000 polygons.
The recommended format for 3D objects is glb but we also support fbx and obj formats.
The WebAR application uses the threejs 3D rendering engine.
For very special cases, advanced techniques, such as more direct calls to the graphics card, you must take into account the constraints of this rendering engine.
NB :
The use of advanced techniques may require specific integration, please consult us for any request.
Texture of 3D objects
WebAR ARGO accepts all types of content and textures that can be displayed on the web, and more specifically 3JS / WebGL formats to which several types of material effects can be applied:
Color (Base Color / Albedo)
Reflectance (Metallic)
Reflectance (Roughness)
Luminance (Emissive)
Environment (HDR)
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