In this tutorial, you will discover how to edit and publish your 3D experiences from ARGO/unity plug-in to the native mobile app ARGOplay (Bêta)
Useful links |
NB: if you already installed Unity latest version on your desktop you can directly jump to STEP 2 - ARGO/Unity plug-in.
STEP 1 - Unity installation |
- Download Unity software on your desktop: to do so, you’ll have to download Unity Hub* (click on link)
*The Unity Hub is a standalone application that streamlines the way you find, download, and manage your Unity Projects and installations. In addition, you can manually add versions of the Editor that you have already installed on your machine to your Hub. - Double click on UnityHubSetup.dmg file to start installing
- Follow installation instructions: you know have Unity Hub installed on your desktop
- Open unity Hub and login with your credentials if you already have ones or sign in and create new ones if you don’t.
- Create Unity ID, validate your email address and log in.
Select the kind of licence you want and activate it. - Install recommended Unity version.
Install tabs > ADD - Make sure to add modules Android Build Support (Android SDK & NDK tools, Open JDK) and IOS Build Support.
- Wait until complete download
- Congratulations! You successfully downloaded Unity editor on your desktop
STEP 2 - ARGO/Unity plug-in |
- Start by downloading the Unity Editor Plugin.
We'll use it later. - Open Unity hub
- Create new project (recommended) or open an existing one
- Click on "Create": Unity editor opens
- Click Assets > Import Package > Custom Package...
- And look for the Unity package you previously downloaded (unity_editor_plugin package)
Click on open - Check that all files from the plugin are selected and click on Import.
1 - Sign in |
- In Unity Editor tab bar, click on ARGO/Sign in
- in Sign In window, fill in your ARGO Web Manager/Editor credentials.
- Click on Sign in
2 - Create and configure a scene |
- Click on ARGO > new scene
- In Create New Scene window, fill in the numerical marker ID of the marker you want to augment.
P.S: you’ll find this marker ID in ARGO Editor. Open ARGO editor on your targeted campaign. Select the marker you want to augment with unity and retrieve your marker ID (page ID) in the Editor URL. - Click on Create. Your marker will be loaded and attached to the scene origin
- Create or import your 3D object/unity package
To create your own 3D object from scratch:
- Click on GameObject/3D Object/Cube or Capsule or whatever. Object will appear on the scene
- Adjust object size and position
- Select Assets folder in projects window.
Select object in "sample scene" and drag and drop it in project window (in Asset folder). Unity will generate a prefab for you.
To import a unity package with a prefab:
- Click on Assets/Import Package/Custom Package... and choose the file on your computer (*.unitypackage). Unity will show you list of the objects to be imported.
- Click on Import button at the bottom of this window
- Find in Project window a prefab from this package and drag and drop it on the scene
- Adjust object size and position
- In Inspector window, under the Layer and to the right of the Prefab, there is an Overrides button. Click on it and click Apply in the pop-up window. It will apply changes from the scene on the prefab.
- Click on GameObject/3D Object/Cube or Capsule or whatever. Object will appear on the scene
3 - Build and deploy scene |
- Once prefab is ready, select it and click ARGO/Build and Deploy
- In Build Scene window you should see your prefab(s) in Selected objects section
Files will be generated at Assets/AssetBundles/*architecture* and pushed to ARGO API.
P.S: ARGO Manager does not yet allow to display the scenes created within Unity editor. However, when you open your marker in ARGO editor, you will notice that a new “frame” appears in the Interactions window. This is your Unity prefab.
- You can now scan your marker with ARGOplay Bêta app and enjoy your Unity creation ((All your campaigns created with ARGO editor are also compatible with ARGOplay Beta version)
Download ARGOplay Bêta
Download IOS version
(Download ARGOplay Beta from the Testflight application by clicking on the link above. If you already have the ARGOplay app installed on your mobile, follow the installation process proposed by Testflight. The old version of the app will be overwritten by the new Beta version (No risk). To leave the ARGOplay Beta version, simply reinstall the ARGOplay application from the app store, it will overwrite the Beta version)
Download Android version
Register as a beta user on the ARGOPlay application page in Google play store. You will then be able to install the ARGOplay Beta version compatible with Unity.
To exit the Beta version, simply exit the Beta user mode from the application page and reinstall the previous version of the ARGOPlay application.
Test ARGOplay Bêta
Print the attached marker and scan it with the ARGOplay Beta app to test an Augmented Reality scenario for retail designed with the ARGO Unity plug-in.
ARGOPlay Unity demo marker
Give us your feedback |
Dear user,
You are experimenting our application in Beta version.
In order to offer this version to as many people as possible, we ask you to provide us with your feedback. The entire ARGO team thanks you warmly for your participation.
Just click on the link below.
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