Create new Augmented PDF project


The ARGO manager allows you to create Augmented document projects.
Depending on the subscription and the settings chosen when creating the organization, the Projects interface allows you to create Augmented PDF projects.

  • Click on the "Projects" menu item and then on the "Create new project" button
  • Click on the Augmented PDF entry in the modal that appear


  • Then click on the type of project you want to do in step 1 


  • Specify your project information in step 2
    - Give your project a name
    - Assign tags to your project so you can easily retrieve it later
    - Drag and drop or import your .PDF file


  • Click on the "Create project" button



Congratulations, you have just created your first Augmented PDF project!

Here you are in the overview of your project. This page gives you all the information you need and allows you to set up your entire project using the different tabs in the interface.

a) Overview

See all the information about your project at a glance:

  • Name of the initial document
  • Document size
  • Input format of the document
  • Define the favicon that will be displayed in the web browser when opening this project.
  • Number of pages of the document (a click on the pages button opens the "pages" view with all the pages of the document)
  • Activate the "Private" parameter if you want to be the only one to have access to this project within the organization (users with Administrator status also have access to the project)
  • Activate the "Locked" setting if you want to prevent other "members" of the organization from editing and/or modifying your project (Users with Administrator status can revoke this status and make modifications)
  • Add/delete/modify tags associated with your project in order to easily find it in your organization.
  • Click the "Open ARGO Editor" button to open the Augmentation Editor (Studio) in a new tab.
  • Click on the "View Broadcast Settings" icon to open the page with the same name (also accessible from the Broadcast Settings tab on the same page)
  • Click on the "Share Project" button to set your options for sharing your project with the outside world (also accessible from the Share button at the top of the screen)
  • Once your project is published, you will see an overview of its statistics (number of views, viewing time, number of devices)

b) Pages

The Pages view gives you an overview of all pages in your document. You can open the augmentation editor or test your project directly from the desired page.




c) Diffusion settings

Define all the sharing features associated with your project from this interface.
Each parameter has a description on the right side of the screen and informs you about its functionality.




For an augmented PDF project, you can set

  • Project validity dates: define the publication dates of the project.
    It will be published / unpublished automatically on the start and end dates indicated and replaced by an information page with a text set by you (under development)


  • Distribution mode (Standard / Mailmerge):

    Standard: simple project URL available in long or shortlink version, manual identification of the visitor possible by informing the q= parameter in the project URL

    Mailmerge: Project URL intended to be shared via a third party emailer. When the project link is opened from the emailer, the visitor's email address is automatically reported in the consultation statistics.


  • Project access: allow or disallow access to download and print the source PDF document.


  • Display augmentation: choose the scenario where augmentations appear when the PDF reader is opened, as soon as the link is opened, or on user request by activating the "Augmentation" button in the reader.


  • Security: protect access to the document with a password (It is recommended to send the password in a separate message, or ask your visitors to identify themselves with their email to access the document so that they are identified in the consultation statistics. Choose Embedded PDF if you want to protect your PDF more. The option Embedded PDF insert the PDF directly on HTML without link.



The user facing a document protected by password and/or email must authenticate himself to access the document


  • Email Alert : Choose how often you want to receive email alerts when this project is viewed. Add other recipients for these e-mail alerts among your organization's members.


  • Google Tracking : Add Google tags (GTM or GTAG) to track and store data from your projects, and generate reports on your own Google Analytics dashboard. Cross reference the data for all your digitals campaigns with the reference tool for digital marketing (Requires own Google Analytics interface).


  • Once you have specified your broadcast parameters, save your edition by clicking on the "Save" icon that appears at the top of the screen (the "Save" icon appears after each modification made to the project and disappears once the modification is saved)



d) Statistics

The statistics tab allows you to see the effectiveness of your project once it has been published and distributed.

For a detailed review of the statistics interface according to the type of project (Augmented PDF / Augmented Reality), see the dedicated article in this FAQ.





e) Augmentation

Augmenting a project is the addition of interactive content overlaying your documents, whether it is augmented reality content or content that can be read in the interactive PDF reader.

To add augmentations to your augmented PDF project, go back to your project overview and click on the "Open ARGO Editor" button

Capture_d_e_cran_2022-04-15_a__14.19.41.pngThe Augment Editor will open in a new tab.
Add your layers and interactive content from the ARGO editor (the Studio) and save your output to create an interactive Augmented PDF.


To discover the handling and the subtleties of the augmentation editor, please refer to the dedicated section of this FAQ.

f) Test

Once your project has been created, configured and augmented, you can test it before distribution by clicking on the "Test" button in the action bar at the top of the screen.



A modal appears with a preview of your project in its interactive PDF reader. You can enlarge this window by clicking on the action icon in the upper right corner of the modal and get a view more similar to the final display and to what your readers will see of the document.

N.B: in order not to pollute your consultation statistics with your own navigation, your activity is not taken into account in the final statistics when your project is consulted from this modal.




g) Publication

Once you are satisfied with your project, and after testing it, it is up to you to publish your project. If you do not publish, the URL of your augmented PDF project is not activated and it will not be accessible.

  • Click the "Publish" button in the action bar at the top of the screen to activate your project.


  • You can disable access to your project at any time by clicking on the published icon again. This will replace your project URL with an absence screen that you can configure (coming soon).



h) Share

Your project is now published, all you have to do is share it with your recipients.
An augmented PDF project is shared through a simple URL over which you have full distribution control.

  • Click on the "Share" button in the action bar at the top of the screen to access the sharing options


  • The sharing mode allows you to customize the thumbnail image of your project in the case of a sharing on social networks (Facebook, twitter, Linkedin)

  • You can also share the link of your project directly by email or generate a QR code related to your project.


  • Retrieve the full URL of your project by clicking on the copy icon or prefer its Shortlink version.

    N.B: you can personalize the URL of your project by adding a specific tag in the URL (ex : ...77&&q=TOTO). You will then be able to identify the navigation specific to this recipient in your consultation statistics. Ideal for your direct exchanges with a particular interlocutor.



Once copied, pasted and opened in a web browser, the project URL opens an interactive PDF reader.


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