Discover the framework


The Augmentation Editor allows ARGO users to add digital interactions to their documents, whether in Augmented Reality or Augmented PDF.

The editor adapts to the type of project chosen and does not systematically propose the same interactions and options depending on the project.




Augment your project

  • Open your project on the overview page

  • Click on the "Open ARGO Editor" button


  • The ARGO editor opens in a new browser tab.
    The screen is divided into three areas:
  1. the left column shows all the available interactions
  2. the central area displays the document page to be expanded
  3. the menus on the right show the interactions and their properties


To add an interaction, simply drag and drop one of the icons located in the left column onto the document.




Once the interaction is positioned on your marker, you can change its position and size by dragging one of the corners. For more precision you can also manually change the position and size in the interaction properties (right panel).

Capture_d_e_cran_2022-04-20_a__18.17.58.pngThe interactions panel acts like the "layers" menu of the Adobe suite and allows to manage the order of the interactions added over the document.


View the video tutorial for ARGO Editor


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