Discover the interactions


The ARGO editor offers a wide variety of interactions to augment documents. Some of these interactions are compatible between PDF and AR readers, other interactions or interaction properties are specific to the type of project chosen.

    1. Interactions common to Augmented PDF and Augmented Reality projects


      The image interaction allows you to add a static (.jpg), transparent (.png), or animated (.gif) illustration on the desired page.
      The image interaction is the only one that does not produce an effect when clicked in the interactive PDF reader or the Augmented Reality reader, it is purely decorative.
      If you want your image to behave like a clickable button, you will have to change the interaction type (e.g. Image > URL), which will add a field of action to your image that will then become a cover image.

      The WebAR player modifies the images and animated gifs in 2 lower power when they are read (e.g.: your .gif file is 524x230, the WebAR will resize the images of the gif to 512x128, then stretch to keep the same ratio)


      Video is one of the most used interactions.
      The required import formats for videos are .mp4 or .mov files
      Several types of display are possible with the video interaction:

      - Display of the video embedded in the page (default behavior for Augmented PDF and Augmented Reality players), clicking on the video triggers the video playback.

      - Automatic playback of the video embedded in the page with the "Autoplay" setting
      Fullscreen opening of the video after clicking on the video interaction with the "Fullscreen" setting (AR projects only)

      - Open and play the video in a modal after clicking on the interaction with the "modal" option (Augmented PDF projects only)

      - Remove a color on the fly during playback with the "Transparency color" option (ex: video with green background), ideal for creating holograms

      - Clipping of the subject and removal of the background with the "Alpha Channel" parameter


      You can add audio files (.mp3 only) to your documents.
      There are several playback options for audio formats.

      - Playback upon clicking on the interaction (default behavior for Augmented PDF and Augmented Reality readers)

      - Automatic playback when scanning the page with the "Autoplay" option (Augmented Reality projects only)

      Drag and drop or import a .pdf or .zip file into the File interaction field. Once in the PDF reader or in its Augmented Reality mobile application, the user who clicks on the interaction will download a PDF document or .ZIP file containing several documents to his computer or mobile device (tablet, phone).
      You can customize the click button with a cover image.

      Import up to 10 images (jpg, png, gif) into the 2D slider interaction.
      Users will be able to switch from one image to another using the left/right arrows of the player.

      Use the URL interaction to allow the user to be redirected to the URL of your choice. The user will have to click on the button to open the URL. You can customize the click button of your interaction with the cover image of your choice. You can also make this click area "transparent" by removing the cover image, which will create an invisible click area on your document.


      The webview interaction allows you to enter your code (html, css, javascript) in a code editor. This code will be executed when clicked once in the PDF or Augmented Reality reader.

      Advanced options are available for the webview asset in Augmented PDF projects:

      - Customization of the reader's interface(view FAQ)
      - Communication between webviews
      - Add a delayed pop-up (view FAQ)

      You have the possibility, through the mail interaction, to redirect the user to send an email to the email address of your choice. This interaction will behave like a button when displayed in the PDF or augmented reality reader. You can customize the click button of your interaction with the cover image of your choice.

      Create a button that will allow the user to call the phone number of your choice. Activated from a cell phone, the user calls the number directly. From the augmented PDF reader, clicking on the interaction opens the local device defined for calls (Skype, Teams, etc...). You can customize the click button of your interaction with the cover image of your choice.

      Use the event generator proposed when editing the calendar asset to schedule your appointments (Date/Time, Name of the event). The "Agenda" interaction, once clicked, will open the calendar application defined by the user and will then add the event(s), after acceptance.

      Use the event generator offered when editing the asset agenda for programIntegrate vcard type interactions (.vcf format). This business card format can be configured locally or exported from a software like Excel or Outlook. It contains the name, first name, address, email, phone number and URL of the recipient. The user who clicks on the Vcard interaction saves the recipient's information directly into his calendar.
      You can customize the click button of your interaction with the cover image of your choice.r your appointments (Date / Time, Name of the event). The "Agenda" interaction, once clicked, will open the calendar application defined by the user and will then add the event(s), after acceptance.

  1. Interactions specific to Augmented Reality projects


    The 3D object interaction allows you to add .glb/.gltf files to your Augmented Reality projects. The studio offers all the standard 3D object controls for editing in ARGO Editor (move, rotate, scale).

    The native ARGOplay application is also equipped with a Unity renderer. ARGO offers a Unity plug-in to let your creativity and interactivity of your 3D creations go.

    Learn more about this feature with our Unity tutorial



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