Studio ARGO
Activity overview
Latest activity by Studio ARGO-
Studio ARGO created an article, Migrate to BearSDK 3.0
Latest release of BearSDK brings many improvements and better practices to make your integration smoother. General changes Starting from version 3.0 BearSDK supports iOS 11+.If you need to support...
Studio ARGO created an article, Show Marker Without Scanning
The BearSDK also provides a method to display a marker without scanning it: showARSceneWithoutTracking(withMarkerId id: Int). Obviously you need the marker id to call this method. The behavior is t...
Studio ARGO created an article, Advanced
This section will provide more advanced features available in the BearSDK. Sample code is also available in our sample application. Articles Show Marker Without Scanning Release Resources Pause/...
Studio ARGO created an article, Implementation
You can display and use the augmented reality view using ARViewController class and it’s handler ARHandlerProtocol. Articles ARViewController ARHandlerProtocol
Studio ARGO created an article, Initialization
The SDK must be configured with secret key before starting BearSDK usage. try BearSDK.setSecretKey("key") You have to call the BearSDK.setSecretKey("key") method using a secret key as parameter. Y...
Studio ARGO created an article, Getting started
Introduction Welcome to the Bear SDK. This document is designed to help you from your very first steps with the Bear SDK all the way through to advanced concepts and examples for developing your au...
Studio ARGO created an article, Push Notifications
ARGO Manager provides feature to manage application notification. This section explains how to enable this feature in BearSDK by linking it to Firebase. The Firebase integration is handled applicat...
Studio ARGO created an article, Release Resources
You may need to release the memory used by BearSDK, so you have to use releaseResources method. Resources will be acquired again when the new ARViewController or its subclass is initialized. isLoa...
Studio ARGO created an article, Pause/Resume Camera
In most cases BearSDK will control pause/resume camera automatically. But if you are need very specific behavior, you can disable automatic camera control and do it manually. In ARViewController y...
Studio ARGO created an article, Migrate to BearSDK 2.0
Latest release of BearSDK brings many improvements and better practices to make your integration smoother. General improvements https support. removed the most part of external dependencies. reduc...