

The BearDelegate protocol provides a mechanism for your application to take action on events that occur in the BearViewController(Objc). You can make use of these calls by assigning an object to the BearViewController delegate property directly or connect through Interface Builder.

  • recognizedMarker(withId markerId: Int, assetIds: [Int]) - Function will be executed when marker has been recognized;
  • markerNotRecognized - Function will be executed when timeout is reached and no one marker is recognized;
  • assetClicked(with assetId: Int) - Function will be executed on click of any asset;
  • scannerStateChanged(_ state: BearScannerState) - Function will be executed when BearSDK Scanner has changed state;
  • didFail(withError error: BearError) - Function will be executed when an error occurs while the BearSDK is loading content;
  • reachabilityStatusChanged(_ reachable: Bool) - Function will be executed on change of reachability status.

Note: reachabilityStatusChanged(_ reachable: Bool) depreacted and will be removed in the future release.

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