Assets sizing and positioning


For asset we have following attributes:

attribute description range
x left position of the markerユs top-left corner [-0.5:0.5]
y top position of the markerユs top-left corner [-0.5:0.5]
width assetユs width [0:1]
height assetユs height [0:1]

Assets size and position values are relative to marker's longest size.

That's if we have a marker width=200px and height=400px all the assets' attributes will be relative to marker's height (400px in our case).


Here are some helpful formulas (W-markers width, H-marker's height, w-asset's width, h-asset's height):

top left corner of the marker x = -0.5 * min(W/H, 1) y = -0.5 * min(H/W, 1)
top right corner of the marker x = 0.5 * min(W/H, 1) y = 0.5 * min(H/W, 1)
bottom left corner of the marker x = -0.5 * min(W/H, 1) y = -0.5 * min(H/W, 1)
bottom right corner of the marker x = 0.5 * min(W/H, 1) y = 0.5 * min(H/W, 1)


Mobile side positioning

Automatic z coordinate calculation

We have a problem for 2D assets with rendering assets with the same z coordinate (assets blinking). To avoid this we've decided to calculate z coordinate automatically by adding 0.5 to next asset in a set (ordered by z order).

This works for all 2D assets without is_3d_context and is_vertical flags.


Vertical 2D assets (any NON 3D asset with is_vertical==1)

For those assets z coordinate calculated front end side using following formula: z = 320 * (absolute(sinus(alpha)) * [asset height in px]/2 + [altitude in px]) / [marker width in px]

where altitude is a distance (in pixels) between marker and bottom of the asset

Back altitude calculation from the z coordinate:

altitude = z*[marker width in px] / 320- absolute(sinus(alpha)) * [asset height in px]/2

Mobile side rendering

  1. For 3d context asset - assets rendering by z_order (from low to high)
  2. For plane assets - assets rendering by z coord, from high to low
  3. For vertical assets - nothing changes, assets rendering by z coord, from high to low
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